laser cellulite reduction tightsculpting

Do you always pick clothes that cover your legs and arms – and avoid swimsuits? If the reason behind this is cellulite, the answer is TightSculpting by Fotona. It is an affordable laser treatment option for cellulite reduction and skin tightening.

Fotona TightSculpting is an FDA-cleared non-invasive treatment procedure that uses laser technology. This procedure tightens the skin and performs various skin improvement effects, including cellulite reduction. For this purpose, a cutting-edge energy-based device is used for projecting dual-wavelength laser beams on the target area.

Let’s learn everything you need to know about laser cellulite reduction with Fotona TightSculpting.

How TightSculpting by Fotona Works on Cellulite Reduction

TightSculpting by Fotona is a procedure to reduce cellulite and make the skin in the target area smoother, tighter, and firmer. It reduces the fat that causes bulges on the skin.

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The laser energy turns to heat to reduce the appearance of cellulite on the superficial layers. But the temperature is controlled so that it doesn’t cause pain or discomfort.

The Science Behind Fotona TightSculpting

Fotona TightSculpting is a non-invasive laser lipo procedure on all skin and body types for fat reduction and skin tightening. A device is used to apply dual-wavelength laser beams to the skin in the target area to sculpt the body. It helps with both cellulite reduction and the tightening of loose skin!



As the laser light reaches deeper layers, the high temperature melts fat and shrinks fat cells. It boosts the production of collagen to tighten the skin. It also leads to improved circulation.

How to Prepare for Fotona TightSculpting Laser Treatment

The pre-treatment steps to prepare for Fotona TightSculpting cellulite reduction will be provided to you by your doctor. For the best aesthetic appearance resulting from this treatment, you need to do the following –

  • Do not have heavy meals and fatty or oily foods for a few hours before the treatment.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, or recreational drugs for at least 24 hours before the procedure.
  • Stay away from the sun to avoid sunburns before undergoing this procedure.
  • Protect your skin from infections, injuries, irritation, redness, swelling, allergic reactions, etc.
  • Do not have laser treatment or cosmetic surgery in the target site or surrounding areas 2 weeks prior to the TightSculpting sessions.
  • If you are on blood thinners, skin medicines, or other treatments for health conditions, or have undergone recent surgical procedures, consult your doctor first.
  • You should not opt for this treatment if you are pregnant or nursing.

What to Expect from Fotona TightSculpting – How will I know if the treatments are working?

When you choose TightSculpting, you will enjoy various advantages of this Fotona laser treatment without surgery. It is a quick and easy process for fat reduction and skin tightening.

You don’t have to worry about lengthy recovery – unlike in surgical aesthetic treatments. It takes a more natural approach to fixing acne scars, skin tone unevenness, unwanted fat cells, etc.

tightsculpting before and after

So, this procedure acts as a laser skin rejuvenation, tightening, and fat-reducing process. It will give the skin on your body a youthful appearance – because it’s not enough to rejuvenate the face.

How long will it take for the results to show?

The time to see results after undergoing the Fotona TightSculpting depends on the severity of your skin condition, as well as your age, natural collagen production, etc. The best effects are seen after a few weeks. You’ll see noticeable improvement of laxity and skin firmness over time.

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Fotona TightSculpting Post Care Steps

It is not enough to get Fotona TightSculpting treatments to reduce cellulite and get tighter skin. You also need a few other steps. The effects of this treatment will only last when you take care of your health and diet.

You must follow a proper diet to maintain the ideal weight for your body. It is essential to avoid any weight gain that can lead to cellulite. A 15-minute brisk exercise session can also keep additional weight at bay.

But that’s not all. You should also take care not to undergo a drastic weight loss as it can lead to stretch marks and loose skin and counter the skin smoothening effects of the procedure.

Risks & Complications – Are there any side effects of Fotona TightSculpting?

One of the side effects that everyone worries about before undergoing any aesthetic procedure is the development of unsightly scars. Thankfully, Fotona TightSculpting doesn’t cause scarring.

During the procedure, you will feel a mild tingling sensation due to heat application. But, since this is controlled surface tissue heating, it will not cause pain, discomfort, or other skin issues.

You may experience some redness and swelling – but these will reduce within the next day. Plus, you don’t have to wait at all to return to your daily activities soon after the treatment session.

How many treatments will I need?

The full results of Fotona TightSculpting need 3-8 sessions to appear, depending on the severity of your condition. You’ll see the first signs of improvement in skin tightness and smoothness only after 3-5 sessions. You may need 8 sessions at a gap of 2-4 weeks.

How long will each treatment session take?

You may wonder how long it will take for each Fotona TightSculpting session to effectively initiate reducing cellulite ad smoothen your skin. The good news is that each session should last between 45 and 60 minutes. The longest a session can last is 3 hours.

Book a Consultation Session Today!

At BARE Essentials, we have a team of experts to take special care of each patient and provide customized suggestions and procedures.

Our team will diagnose your condition and provide the best services. We will also help you choose other Fotona laser treatment options for the best results.

We can combine the TightSculpting process with a wide range of other options for non-invasive laser body contouring, laser skin tightening, laser hair removal, reducing the appearance of spider veins, etc.

Laser Treatment Spa

We offer everything to make you look and feel good and specialize in laser cellulite reduction treatments with the professional spa Fotona laser systems. So contact us today!