Lip Plumping in Windsor.

Plump lips with perfectly defined Cupid’s bow don’t just make your smile Insta-worthy. They also make you look young and more desirable. However, due to age and genetics, your lips may look thin, and a little lack-luster.

But there’s good news. You can get rid of un-kissable lips with various treatment options for lip plumping Windsor. Botox and dermal fillers are old real favourites at B.A.R.E Essentials Spa, but Fotona LipLase has recently taken the industry by storm.

But which treatment is ideal for you? Keep reading to know more.

What is Lip Plumping?

Lip plumping is a cosmetic procedure to give lips a fuller, more defined, and youthful appearance. It is performed using lip augmentation, fillers, Botox, and LipLase.

Though lip augmentation with implants is a permanent solution, it is an expensive, invasive surgery. Minimally invasive and pocket-friendly alternatives include injectable fillers, Botox, and laser therapy.

Injectable fillers are made of a natural substance called Hyaluronic Acid. The results of lip fillers may last for about a month.

Botox injections are made from a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. The results last between 2 and 6 months.

Fotona LipLase uses laser to give lips a natural look and improve their health. The results of LipLase can last up to 24 months.

Lip Plumping Treatments

Minimally invasive procedures for lip plumping have become extremely popular now. This is due to their minimal downtime and affordability. Take a look at the common lip-plumping treatments.

LipLase Before and After1

Lip Plumping Injections

Lip plumping injections can include dermal fillers or Botox. Both aim to improve the volume, shape, and smoothness of lips. However, there are significant differences between these two in the way they affect the target area.

Dermal Fillers:

Lip fillers are used for cosmetic procedures to volumize lips using injections. They are a type of dermal filler with synthetic hyaluronic acid (HA) as the key ingredient.

HA is a natural sugar found in the body. The gel-like substance containing HA gets injected into the skin as a filler to enhance the lips‘ fullness and restore its shape.

Dermal fillers can be injected into different lip parts like the Cupid’s bow, corner points, borders, or above them. This facial filler can create an augmented, pouty look and raise downturned mouth corners.

The natural substance makes fillers safer with minimal side effects, though results take 4 weeks to appear. However, long-term overuse of fillers can expand lip tissues and lead to lip deflation and sagging.

Immediate temporary side effects may include raised bumps, infection, swelling, redness, and more. Since HA is a natural substance, the results take some time to appear and last for about a month.


Botox lip injections are a procedure that injects botulinum toxin derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. A small amount of this toxin is injected to freeze the muscles and prevent their movements.

Botox’s main ingredient is a neurotoxin, which, if overused, can become life-threatening. However, when the procedure is performed by experts using the correct amount, it temporarily smoothens wrinkles and fine lines.

Botox is injected near the Cupid’s bow and lip corners to pull up the upper lip. This makes both lips look larger for a prominent pout while giving them a smooth, wrinkle-free appearance.

Results typically appear in a week and last up to 6 months. A common effect is Duck lips due to over-filling or your body’s reaction to the toxin.

Temporary side effects include drooling and difficulty eating, drinking, smiling, and talking if not performed by experts. Long-term and frequent use can lead to a permanently frozen expression, difficult lip functions, and swollen lips.

Fotona LipLase Vs. Lip Injections

Fotona LipLase is a revolutionary lip-plumping procedure that uses laser therapy to improve lip volume. The heat from the laser stimulates collagen remodelling and new collagen production.

As a result, lips appear fuller and smoother. It perfectly defines and volumizes lips and gives a natural look without causing duck lips or other dramatic effects.

Fotona LipLase requires a series of 3-4 sessions, followed by annual maintenance sessions. The results of Fotona start appearing right after the first treatment and can last for 6-24 months.

Unlike lip injections, Fotona LipLase does not introduce any foreign substance to your body. So there’s no chance of allergic reactions.

It’s also non-invasive and boosts your body’s natural functions to improve lip health and appearance. The procedure causes stinging, with side effects like redness, swelling, etc., that subside in 48 hours.

Contact BARE Essentials for Lip Plumping Windsor

Are you looking for the safest place to give your lips a new life? BARE Essentials offers the best treatment options for lip plumping Windsor can offer.

Laser Treatment Spa

Our services include lip fillers, Botox, and LipLase. And we have a team of beauty spa experts to ensure minimal side effects, proper treatment plans, and complete guidance.