Are you tired of dark spots, patches, and an uneven complexion? Uneven skin tone is a frustrating concern that can hamper your confidence, making you self-conscious.

Many factors can contribute to an uneven skin tone, such as sun damage, hormonal fluctuations, or the effects of past breakouts. Thankfully, there’s hope for a balanced, smooth complexion – with modern medical treatments.

Today, we will discuss the causes of uneven skin tone and the best way to treat it. So keep reading to find out the secrets of flawless skin.

About Uneven Skin Tone

An uneven complexion means inconsistent skin tone, i.e., some parts of the skin are darker or lighter. Irregular skin tone may be visible as dark spots, patches, or overall blotchiness.

In addition to hyperpigmentation and hyperpigmentation, you may also experience changes in texture. Some areas may feel and appear rough, bumpy, or simply different from the surrounding areas.

It is a common but often ignored skin condition that can affect any skin tone and type. These variations in colour and texture can be subtle or noticeable, contributing to an uneven complexion.

What Causes Uneven Complexion?

There are a number of reasons that can lead to uneven skin tone. The primary causes are as follows:

Sun Exposure

Prolonged exposure to sunlight can trigger excess melanin production. This causes hyperpigmentation in the form of sun spots and patches. Over time, hyperpigmentation due to sun exposure can lead to a blotchy appearance.

Hormonal Fluctuations

Hormonal changes can stimulate melanin production, leading to brown or blue-gray pigments or freckle-like spots. This is melasma, a type of hyperpigmentation during pregnancy, reproductive years, etc., or due to certain medicines.

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation/Hypopigmentation

Skin damage, such as acne, burns, cuts, etc., causes inflammation, often followed by dark spots. During the healing process, excess melanin production leads to hyperpigmentation. Or, there can be loss of pigmentation, causing hyperpigmentation.

Female with freckles.


With age, our skin naturally undergoes deterioration. This includes a decrease in collagen production and cell turnover. As a result, you may experience age spots, also called liver spots. Your skin may also undergo uneven texture.


Genetic factors can also play a crucial role in causing skin discoloration or brown spots. How your skin ages and responds to environmental factors affects skin tone evenness. Conditions like vitiligo and albinism are also genetic disorders.

5 Ways to Fix Uneven Skin Tone

Some conditions like albinism or vitiligo are not curable. However, most of the other conditions, like dark spots, discoloration, patches, etc., can be cured.

Applying topical products like chemical exfoliants or vitamin C serum is effective to some extent. However, for faster and more dramatic results, you can resort to the following treatment options:

IPL Photorejuvenation

Intense Pulse Light treatment is a non-invasive procedure that uses light to improve complexion and texture. It can reduce dark spots due to sun damage, rosacea, and uneven pigmentation.

IPL treatments deliver light pulses that encourage Neocollagenesis, boosting collagen production. The broad spectrum of light is absorbed by melanin and oxyhemoglobin, reducing uneven skin tone.


Fractional Skin Resurfacing is a procedure that uses a high-frequency laser to improve skin health and appearance. The laser beams gently remove the top layer of skin that bears the spots and patches.

As the underlying skin layer is revealed, you will see an even-toned, youthful complexion. The procedure also stimulates the production of collagen to reduce the appearance of sun spots, scars, etc.

Mico Laser Peel

Another effective treatment for uneven skin tone is Micro Laser Peel. It uses laser beams to gently vaporize the damaged superficial skin layer, revealing the smooth-toned skin underneath.

It stimulates collagen and elastin production, promoting the regeneration of new skin. As a result, you experience bright and healthy skin with an even complexion and a youthful glow.


A non-invasive treatment that exfoliates the skin and delivers topicals – Microdermabrasion is an advanced treatment. It removes the damaged and dry skin layer using the SilkPeel diamond tip wand.

Then, it delivers specially formulated skin solutions deep into the skin using the Dermalinfusion process. Thus, you get rid of uneven skin tone while experiencing the growth of healthy, even-toned skin.


A treatment developed from an ancient Chinese practice, Microneedling is a procedure that addresses uneven skin tone. The process involves creating tiny punctures in the skin using minuscule needles.

The skin injury thus caused stimulates its healing process and promotes collagen and elastin growth. Thus, it helps eliminate uneven skin tone from heat exposure, sun damage, scars, infections, etc.

Contact BARE Essentials Spa

Home remedies, along with chemical peels like lactic or salicylic acid, can help even out your skin tone. However, the results are slow, and you may not completely eliminate the skin irregularities.

For best results, get in touch with BARE Essentials Spa. Our services include various advanced skin treatments to help get rid of uneven complexion.

Laser Treatment Spa

We also treat skin health concerns, uneven skin texture, and more. So contact us TODAY!